Friday, September 09, 2005

Laissez faire is a theory for Bitches.

I know you come to this blog so often because your seeking advice.

And because you can't ask your Mom about the sores on your penis. Don't worry about the sores, you can't get herpes unless you actually get near a vagina. So I guess I will repay your patronage by answering the number one question I get here at the Bathos.

"I know social theory is boring, but how can I get my friends to debate theory rather than the fun stuff with me?"

Since I am certain that you have already chosen wisely (like Go Team Aniston), it'll be easier than you think to get all of those proponents of laissez faire to begin a strained defense of that "whacked out theory."

First, understand that Ayn Rand screwed up a lot of their thinking in regards to methodological individualism.

"There is no such thing as a group brain. "

While Ms. Rand and her brilliant attacks on strawmen have entertained retarded children for years, in light of recent tragic events on the Louisiana Coast I am thinking that people will see the need for government now even more. Even when they see how governments can screw things up.

I know what your saying..."but some of my best friends are Scientologists...I mean Objectivists...are they really that kooky?"

No, not at all. What I am saying is that they should change their name to Kate Cruise or Shut the Fuck Up.

Of course if I were looking around for the actual advocates of laissez faire other than 12 year old girls who carry around worn out copies of the Fountainhead, it might get difficult.

Here's another thing that pisses people (me) off.

People who advocate functionalist arguments without any constraint knowledge. You'll be hearing plenty of people in the near future telling us how we need poor people.

(A theory of social stratification if I have ever heard one. Quasi-liberals often hold a meritocracy belief which is frankly just another version of the Just World Hypothesis.)

Just inform them that their has been plenty of empirical research on Moore/Davis and it's pretty clear that meritocracy is full o' crap.

See you've already got 2 fun arguments to start after the 40's get flowing.

P.S. Artificial Grass Sucks.