But last week I stopped paying so much attention to myself and that's when I began to notice just how crazy the average person is.
Not that any of them would go to the trouble of counting to 8 before entering every doorway, or making sure each and every item of food was touched 3 times before they would eat it. Everybody thinks they have OCD, or they know some anal retentive prick who must have it.
All that brings me back to my point, that some people try "way to hard" to seem deviant and "evil." And while we all know my roomate THE FRO is evil. [He's EVIL...He's EVIL] I can't sit back and allow the Fro to take a backseat to anybody else's claim of misanthropic Evil.
Therefore; I must submit to you ...Sara. Sara's blog is entitled :
Oh, yes.. dear readers, read on we shall. I found her website while browsing through her boyfriend's webpage which described her thusly:
"My Queen and soulmate. I don't give a fuck what she says, I think she's fuckin' drop-dead gorgeous...!!! "
With three exclamations I just knew she had to be hot. And since her boyfriend doesn't give a shit about what she "says," I knew I wouldn't have to either.
Redgorilla75's description of a nudity proned teen slut bore little resemblance to the identity that I found awaiting me at Love/Murder, where the dying spirit of a 12 year old girl was giving way to the pedestrian desire to be a little strange.
Yes. A little strange. But not that fucking strange. Shit most surburbanites and 40 year old moms sit at home deconstructing the intricacies of the latest CSI-Miami which places Sara plainly in the middle of squaresville. Put a shaw around her and add 20 years to her tits and she's my Aunt Norma.
"That David Caruso is so cute..."
"Ya, I hear he plays a good cop, pass me another chicken leg will ya?"
Sara's hobbies leave her time to dolittle else but, "investigate systematically the effects of different forms of Lime on dead flesh."